Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Must D TV! Part 1.

"It's the most wonderful time of the year!"

Anyone who knows me--whether it's for decades, years, months, or hell hours, knows that I love TV. TV is Good.

But I will admit, I am usually feeling let down by today's shows...they leave me uninspired, and want for more--except for a few gems that make me feel that somewhere out there in LA-LA land are producers, writers, actors who get it right.

As I wait with eager anticipation for the new seasons to start, much like going back to college to the gang, here is what is currently programmed on my DVR, just waiting for the new episodes to gear up.

Here are the returning classmates I look forward to seeing again

The Cool/Most Popular Kids:
The Office

Class Clowns:
30 Rock
How I Met Your Mother
Til Death
Family Guy

The Bad Boy:
Gordon Ramsay.

My Gay Best Friend:
Project Runway

The Geeks (note: "geek" to me is a term of endearment)
Dr. Who (BBC America)
The Colbert Report

The Jock:
Friday Night Lights (it's NOT about the football..I urge you to watch this show!!)

The "Hot Guy who is also super smart, super nice--and could be too perfect to be true":
Mad Men

The Girl who gets drunk at every party and acts like an ass...but I end up hugging and chugging with regardless because hell, I'm drunk too (aka: the reality shows I hate to admit I watch):
America's Next Top Model
Amazing Race
American Idol

When it comes to Mad Men and Friday Night Lights I think they are the best shows on TV today...I'll defend that statement to the death--And in true TV fashion, like Bobby Ewing and Buffy, I'll simply rise again.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

BWAAAAH HA HA HA!!!! Excellent characterizations! I will conifdently set my DVR to anything recommended by The Kids' Table.